In Iowa, legacy media has lost outstanding journalists. Some by choice, others by budget constraints. It is encouraging to see them pop up on Axios, Capitol Dispatch, and other hyper-local digital media. Still, too many readers are left behind. There is a quixotic effort called the Western Iowa Journalism Foundation you might find of interest. https://www.westerniowajournalismfoundation.com

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Having been born in March of '54, I'm very much of the generation you're writing about, and being relating to a much-younger workforce is certainly an issue. But the thing is -- and I also feel this way about my teaching at Berkeley -- that I'm able to constantly learn from the young people around me, as much or more than they learn from me. (Plus, I think, only one person is less interested in seeing me retire than I am -- my wife, who rightly fears the prospect of having me hanging around and offering "advice" all day.)

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Correction: this post has been updated to reflect that Christa Scharfenberg has been CEO of the Center for Investigative Reporting since 2017, not 2014.

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