One of your best posts. Made me think more about Alter’s book on Trump’s criminal trial and conviction. Also, made me ponder how history - any Draft (because it’s never finished,right?) - will characterize the US Supreme Court’s immunity decision which, at least to me, cannot be separated from its protagonist. I fear that the timing of that decision’s forced turn toward an even more Imperial Presidency has prepared the way for, if not invited, the frightening abuses of executive power Trump II promised before his election.

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I think history has also been kinder to Nixon vis-a-vis the openings to China and the USSR ... And this is so true! (Anyone ever tried to watch the narcissistic celebrity video he did "hanging out" with Bruce Springsteen?): "Obama’s post-presidency, apart from eloquent efforts to rally the faithful every four years, is a particular disappointment of self-indulgence, at least so far (he’s only 63)."

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Nixon? Can rot in hell on the foreign policy side given how he abetted Pakistan's genocide in Bangladesh.

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Respectfully, given the pack of lies in his farewell address? I doubt Biden has some major surge; I know he won't for me.


On Carter? Yes, post-presidency was very good. But, he was more a warmonger than many will admit during his presidency — and, he let himself get rolled by Begin at Camp David, directly relevant to your comment, Dick — and was the first neoliberal prez on the domestic side. https://socraticgadfly.blogspot.com/2025/01/rip-jimmy-carter-and-rip-to-legends-of.html

Post WWII presidents? His screwing the pooch on Nam (which may have been influenced a bit by not knowing Jack swapped missiles for missiles in Cuba and for some weird reason never guessing that), and privately still having some semi-racial issues? LBJ still stands best in my book, and Bob Caro needs to get a leg on getting out the final volume(s).

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Don’t forget interstate highways! What is I-95 if not a Big Idea? 😜

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