There has been a lot of nonsense written and idle speculation about the use of AI in journalism. This piece is not one of them. It is well-reasoned, carefully measured and the author knows his material and when he is not certain about impact he says so. Of course the expected short-sighted comments are already expressed- instant, off-the-cuff ones that need to be taken with a grain of salt.

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All these decisions will be and are decided by the interests of Capital, so these cuts to labor are guaranteed to come, the acceleration of wealth concentration and its problems for newsrooms will increase. AI is indeed the new McKinsey. One hedge fund alone controls many of our papers having just snapped up one in San Diego and they have investments in AI to further solidify control of industry and narrative.

That said, these communication technologies and the underlying foundation of free speech are the best hope to counter looming dystopia, but that requires inspired education, as of the kind MLK provided when he came to a town and got folks who used to demure to racism to instead face dogs, water hoses and death. This points to the notion that journalism must be more subjective if it is to protect the grounds of dignity - because that is the only place where objectivity matters.

AI will force the issue of Solidarity because the lack of it has allowed shamelessness to flourish. We are veering from the shameless into the reckless as Capital has run increasingly unchecked amidst a number of crises that may converge in our lifetime. If there is one thing we can be pretty sure of, humans -- especially ones reared to celebrate individualism and who fear education to such an extent they celebrate disinformation -- will not act in their collective interest until the menace is already upon them. A more subjective journalism can be a strident deterrent towards that kind of outcome.

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That’s a great insight of using AI to rewrite a story for different reading levels. It makes me think that there’s an opportunity to also look at testing style and tone in articles that are targeted to specific audiences as well.

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Great. Get rid of more people in the newsroom. Soon, only robots will be left to read robot generated news.

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