I'm struck by the choice to make this group one of "experts," rather than one of -- or even partly of -- "regular people." What audience is The Messenger trying to attract? (True confession: I have not spent more than a moment on their site; nothing about it appeals to me.)
I love this, it's a good start. Also, time to distinguish between what is news and what is just fact. Citizens need both --and more. The "newspaper" concept is limiting. Maybe what we need is a journal that contains but isn't limited to news. Also let's pray that diversity includes older people with longer memories who can associate current events with prior relevant events. Also, importance or forward-looking relevance is the domain of people who specialize in insight, connections, and future predictions. They need to be in the mix too.
I'm struck by the choice to make this group one of "experts," rather than one of -- or even partly of -- "regular people." What audience is The Messenger trying to attract? (True confession: I have not spent more than a moment on their site; nothing about it appeals to me.)
I love this, it's a good start. Also, time to distinguish between what is news and what is just fact. Citizens need both --and more. The "newspaper" concept is limiting. Maybe what we need is a journal that contains but isn't limited to news. Also let's pray that diversity includes older people with longer memories who can associate current events with prior relevant events. Also, importance or forward-looking relevance is the domain of people who specialize in insight, connections, and future predictions. They need to be in the mix too.